2019: The Road Less Traveled
I never understood the magnitude of God's power. I think sometimes we underestimate how little God needs our help. I've always been one to rely on my wit and intelligence to get what I want. But the biggest lesson I've learned in 2018 is that our attempts to manage our own lives only lead to momentary happiness, with lasting unfullfillment. What we think is gain, is actually to lose. What we see as success, is nothing more than a ruse. There is a deep longing inside our hearts, that if left unchecked, grows wider with every step in the wrong direction. Every selfish desire, and superficial need, leads us further from the narrow and closer to the broad. We become lured to destruction, like a moth to the flame. But I've also learned that there is something far greater on the narrow path. Although it can be restricting and dangerously tight. There is an effortless favor, that exists only on this road taken. No connections needed, or reciprocal scratches on the back. The favor is free. The creative insight flows naturally and is a mystery to all those who see it. I think that is the true plan of God. Walking by faith and not by sight, is a testimony to God's power. Our blind walk was designed to astound those who have struggled to see. Not relying on our own mindset gives Him the control He desires. " Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed...", is not a call for self righteousness, but a reminder of our necessity to take a different road. When we deviate from this our favor becomes harder to attain. We drift like the wind, easily persuaded, and attracted to whatever seems right. But there is a way that appears to be right, "but in the end leads to death." Proverbs 14:12 I pray that 2019 leads us back to the narrow. I pray we keep our eyes set on things eternal, and effortlessly walk into the favor God has intentionally prepared. I pray we learn to depend completely on God, and not our own harmful means of protection. I pray that the lost, remember the way you brought them, and never forget how to get back home. I pray we make it back to the place He's called us to be.Â